Oral Presentation Reflection


We attempted to deliver a presentation modelled after Steve Jobs’ style and succeeded to some extent. We put minimal information on the slides and conveyed most of our information verbally. However, we overdid it a little and some of our slides could definitely done with a little more detail. We did well in discussing at length about our recommendations but did not put enough emphasis on our methodology which we realised was important in order to convince the audience. I think that verbal delivery and charisma is extremely important to Steve Jobs’ presentation style which we might have overlooked. This method is indeed effective but I would need more practice to make it work well.


I forgot some of my points and had to go back to them later on in my part to fill in the gaps. I might have tried too hard to be different with pictures and quotes. As a result, I might have tried to rely on their impact too much and missed elaborating more on important points. I felt my delivery flowed rather smoothly with little stuttering with fairly good voice projection. I made a passable effort on an impactive introduction as well. I could have done with better use of emphases and more expressive gestures. Overall, I think I did okay.

6 responses to this post.

  1. Dear Jie Ren,

    Wow! Very nice and concise. My feedback is indeed along the lines of your own analysis. I did feel there were times when I felt I was missing the focus. And I do agree with your points on the Steve Jobs presentation slide.

    I felt a lot of sincerity and genuinity when you were presenting and that is a great asset as it helps the audience connect with you.

    All the best!


  2. Posted by Jasper on April 16, 2010 at 7:49 am

    Hi Jie Ren

    I thought you did it a pretty good job! Nice introduction to your team’s presentation. I agree that your delivery was smooth but it certainly did not seem that you missed out any points. In addition, you also looked to be calm and focused. Good job!


  3. Jie Ren,

    If I could point out a characteristic of you which sets you apart from our group 8 classmates, I would say – you are the calm and steady one on stage. Whether it comes to peer teaching, elevator test or oral presentation, I am deeply impressed by how you could handle your nervousness so well that it did not even show a slightest bit. In my personal opinion, you’ve always been consistently good and comfortable with verbal communication.

    Your presentation could be made near-perfect with the use of more facial expressions. I realised that you have most of what it takes to speak effectively in front of people but facial expressions are lacking. Jie Ren, do smile. With enhanced facial expressions it would make you look more enthusiastic and hence convincing. It is easier to engage the audience that way too. As you work your way to becoming a great speaker… this is something to keep in mind – Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.

    That is the only thing I noted that you may improve on. I thought you were good in other aspects concerning posture, voice and confidence level. Keep it up!!


  4. Posted by Glenn on April 17, 2010 at 2:33 pm

    Hi Jie Ren, good job on your presentation. I thought you sounded fluent, composed and confident. However, as what Diana has mentioned, there was a lack of facial expressions to match the enthusiasm in your voice. Overall, I thought you had good eye contact and good voice projection. When you started, you stood in front of the projector and some of the projection was on you. It was slightly difficult to connect with you as I couldn’t really see your expressions. It could be a good idea to blank out the screen.

    Well done once again.


  5. Thanks for all the feedback.

    Goh Chern: I will try to take note of my expressions. I think that comes from me not being expressive usually. That is something I will have to change. Thanks.

    Glenn: Well, I stood in front of the projector because I wanted to focus the audience’s attention on me. I suppose blacking out the slide would have been a wiser choice.


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